Hi readers,
Just back from the gynecologist! Ahhh...I love the internet.
How was the doctor, you ask?! (If you haven't changed thechannel web browser internet setting by now. It was PAINFUL!! I went to have an IUD put in. (See "The Baby Question: Part 1" to get all caught up).
So the The Baby Question: Part 1 has been answered, at least for now. The answer is, "Not right now."
However, after having my intelligent, friendly gynecologistjam a stick up my uterus gently and professionally insert an inter-uterine device, the Baby Question Part 2 has come to light:
My IUD (affectionately nicknamed "Duckers", at least for now) was approximately one-tenth of a centimeter wide and about as long as a quarter. I had to stop Dr. Duckers TWICE during the procedure because of the discomfort and pain. I have never experienced anything like it. I almost passed out. Lets compare:
Just back from the gynecologist! Ahhh...I love the internet.
How was the doctor, you ask?! (If you haven't changed the
So the The Baby Question: Part 1 has been answered, at least for now. The answer is, "Not right now."
However, after having my intelligent, friendly gynecologist
HOW do women deal with the PAIN of childbirth?!
My IUD (affectionately nicknamed "Duckers", at least for now) was approximately one-tenth of a centimeter wide and about as long as a quarter. I had to stop Dr. Duckers TWICE during the procedure because of the discomfort and pain. I have never experienced anything like it. I almost passed out. Lets compare:
I'm speechless. Speechless.
I was in the delivery room when my sister gave birth to her first son. Yes, it looked like it hurt a lot. Yes, I may have briefly taken my brother-in-law into the hallway to rough him up a little discuss the miracle of labor. But afterwards my kind, loving and apparently completely masochistic sister said she didn't even remember the pain. In fact, she proceeded to have TWO MORE CHILDREN IN THE NEXT 5 YEARS. I don't even want to go take Duckers out in the next 5 years.
Moms--I am going to start being way nicer when you are slow pushing your stroller in front of me down the street. Two reasons: First, I respect your birthing process. Second, if you can do THAT...I can do ANYTHING. As long as it's not childbirth.
What is the world did you do to survive childbirth? Comment below--I'm dying to know.
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