Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Best Way to Buy Plane Tickets

Hi readers,
Today's subject: buying plane tickets.  The epitome of first-world, white-girl stress.  Read along with the following scenario:

Sunday 10:00 PM: In review of long and treacherous week ahead, count vacation day stockpile.  Realization of 10 hours accumulated vacation time.  Feeling of joy! Enthusiastically decide to go to Jersey Shore Kiawah Island for a few days.  Go to bed happily counting the calories you will consume in the next two weeks in order to fit into bathing suit.
Monday 9:07 AM: After 3 sips of iced coffee and a rapid-fire e-mail check, decide to quickly log onto Google Flights.
Monday 9:10 AM: Exclaim over amount of flights and destinations available! Question choice of location.  Research beach vacations for 1.7 hours. No flights booked.
Monday 12:00 PM-4:00 PM: Projects, lunch, meetings, etc.
Monday 4:30 PM: Set travel alerts on 16 different flights to beaches within a 500 mile radius. Leave work with feeling of great satisfaction.
Monday 8:15 PM: Nervously check flight alerts.  Flight costs have gone up an average of 17 cents. Anxiety skyrockets.
Monday 8:35 PM: Frantic online research for best hotel and flight packages.  Mainline chardonnay consumption.
Monday 10:00 PM: Shut computer in decision that vacation is not worth all this stress.
Tuesday 8:30 AM:  Settle into looming depression.  Attempt to soothe with online shopping/ Instagram.

Sound familiar? The problem with plane tickets and vacation planning is OVERSUPPLY.  There are too many choices on the internet.




 The solution?  Quick, stream-lined decisions. Here is what the above scenario should look like:

Sunday 10:00 PM: Discussion with fabulous girlfriends about upcoming vacation long weekend.  Feeling of joy! Throw a pin at a map of the Jersey Shore to decide location.
Monday 9:07 AM: After 3 sips of iced coffee and a rapid-fire e-mail check, quickly log onto Google Flights.  Set 3 travel alerts. Think about best flight times/hotel packages for 24 hours.
Tuesday 8:30 AM:  Wake up refreshed.  Pick a flight and a hotel.  As long as you can afford it, who cares where you're going?  You're going ON VACATION.  Get your first-world, white-girl stress an iced soy latte and chill the f*ck out.
Tuesday 9:07 AM: Motivated online shopping to prepare adorable outfits.

Seriously, count your blessings that you even have a vacation.  Count your blessings that you even have a JOB given the amount of time you spend at work pretending to be a travel agent/personal stylist.  Give yourself permission to enjoy the process of planning a trip.  Anywhere you go will be amazing.  Remember--you're fabulous!

Photographic proof that all vacations are fabulous below: 

Sunset in Maine, 2014. 6 day trip.

Walk in the Park, Upstate New York, 2014. 1 day trip. 

Cliff jump, Grand Teton National Park, 2014. 8 day trip 

What trips are you planning this summer?  Comment below! 

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