Thursday, May 7, 2015

How to Manage Stress

Hi readers,
Recently, after told me I looked 65 carefully considering my work-life balance, I found myself thinking about workplace stress.
Work stress is anti-fabulous. It presents a rather circular problem that can be expressed mathamatically:

See what I mean? 

In addition to all the hefty botox bills, stress causes grey hair, pallid skin, fatness, heart disease and a Vegas-length buffet of other disgusting symptoms. 

So, what's a modern-day working girl to do? Here's the secret:

Don't worry about it.

Sounds crazy right? Hold on, let it sink in. 

Seriously, just don't worry about it. 

It's not that big of a deal. 

Don't you kind of feel better already?  

After careful consideration, I realized I (and, I assume, you) need to make a conscious decision NOT to give in to stress. Whenever you start to feel that throbbing stress headache/eye twitch/bitchy tone/squinty stress face/whatever coming on, mentally (or physically) step back from what you are doing and take a second to get some perspective. 

Are you involved in a life or death situation? Mostly likely you are not (unless you are a practicing cardiovascular surgeon, in which case you may want to spend less time trolling the Internet for vaguely-defined women's lifestyle blogs. But thanks for reading!) 

If you are not involved in a life or death situation then take 5 minutes to think: 

How can you replace your stress with a more productive feeling? A feeling or leadership, or curiousity, or creativity?

As a 2015 version of Ms. Holly Golightly might say: 'Put some lipstick on and get your sh*t together.'

Stress is a state of mind, same as fabulousness. You don't get to pick what happens at work (or in life) every day, but you do get to pick how you deal with it. 

Choose fabulous! 

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