Hi readers,
Are blog posts meant to be written fast? I agonize over mine!
I consider them letters to you, all my dearest Internet friends. When I write it is from the same anxious feeling that sits in my stomach before a first date, when I am intrigued by thehot tinder profile picture interesting text message banter and know I want to make a good first impression so I frantically read the newspaper headlines while putting on enough bronzer to intimidate an MTV deejay some classy red lipstick.
Case in point, in 7 minutes all I have written is the above. So, for my first attempt at rapidfire (10 20 minute!) blogging-here goes:
1) This weekend I am going to Milan for the first time. With my boyfriend (none of your business if we met on Tinder, but no we did not)
2) Today I wore red pants (in a good way, I think)
3) I slept for 3 hours last night. (3 AM-7 AM for those interested in that sort of thing)
4) ) I just visited a Raoul Dufy exhibition at Museo Thyssen. (My favorite work I think was "The Wheatfield" for those interested in that sort of thing)
5) I used approximately 200 latex gloves at my job today (not telling why for those interested in THAT sort of thing...but you have a dirty mind and I like it)
Have a great weekend! Madrilenos-feliz San Isidro y dia libra.
Rapidfire Kisses
Are blog posts meant to be written fast? I agonize over mine!
I consider them letters to you, all my dearest Internet friends. When I write it is from the same anxious feeling that sits in my stomach before a first date, when I am intrigued by the
Case in point, in 7 minutes all I have written is the above. So, for my first attempt at rapidfire (
5 Quick, Moderately Interesting Facts About My Day
2) Today I wore red pants (in a good way, I think)
3) I slept for 3 hours last night. (3 AM-7 AM for those interested in that sort of thing)
4) ) I just visited a Raoul Dufy exhibition at Museo Thyssen. (My favorite work I think was "The Wheatfield" for those interested in that sort of thing)
5) I used approximately 200 latex gloves at my job today (not telling why for those interested in THAT sort of thing...but you have a dirty mind and I like it)
Have a great weekend! Madrilenos-feliz San Isidro y dia libra.
Rapidfire Kisses
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