Saturday, September 5, 2015

Saturday Plans

Hi readers,

The first day of school was a smashing success.  More importantly, the first day of school was on a FRIDAY, so I am already faced with the first of 42 (but who's counting?) glorious weekends to relax and do wonderful things.

An example of how I plan a relaxing weekend below:

Conversation with self, Wednesday 10 PM.
"Oh, there is a language exchange hike outside of the city this Saturday! It is only 90 minutes traveling each way.  I should definitely do that because I might never be able to go hiking again! And I will get back with at least 15 minutes to run home, shower and change for dinner.  Ohhh, and if I got up a little EARLIER on Saturday, I would have some time to practice the piano.  If I don't practice this weekend I might forget everything I ever knew about piano.  Then I could drink coffee and relax--let's schedule 5 minutes for that between showering and getting dressed...."

I have mentioned before I'm bad at relaxing.  I'm apparently also becoming more self-aware in my old age because this week during my schizophrenic mental board meeting, I stopped to consider the idea that this plan sounded slightly overambitious.

Revised conversation with self, Wednesday 10:20 PM:
"Okay, I don't think I will go hiking this weekend.  There are 41 more weekends.  I might be able to do it another time.  I would really like to write this weekend.  It might also be nice to lay in the park and read a book.  I've done that before and its lovely."

I constantly try to do everything.  The problem becomes compounded on the weekend, because I have to try to do everything in only 72 hours.  Instead of making me happy and relaxed and grateful, it makes me a hot, crazy mess.  Not in that cute, flustered sitcom character way, but more in that foamy-mouth, rabid, murderous squirrel way. (see photo)

This weekend I am fighting to overcome my inner rabid squirrel and replace her with a slightly more Zen type of spirit animal.  Maybe a relaxing orangutan?  (See nicer, more relaxing photo)

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