Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years Resolutions

Hi reader,
I'm sitting in the airport waiting for a much-delayed flight back to freezing cold NYC. Eventually, (after a bagel sandwich and half a Starbucks) I got bored of watching the poorly-attended-to children wreaking havoc on the terminal and my mind wondered to the topic of New Years Resolutions. I think it speaks volumes that I can never remember mine from one year to the next. It must be because I do such a fabulous job of achieving them that they become seamlessly integrated into my life by the time Dec 31 rolls around again. Right? Obviously. 

So in the spirit of making my life continually more fabulous, I'm throwing together a resolution for 2014 and writing it down here before these airport children go totally Lord of the Flies and kill us all...if I make it back to New York in one piece, I'm going to date. I need to do it soon, because 30, single and bitter/sarcastic is turning out not so fabulous. Even if dating is not totally fabulous, it just may out-do hanging out at home on Friday night with my pet lizard, researching the history of the bassoon on Wikipedia. 
(Just incase you thought I was kidding about the lizard)

You are my witness, reader...2014 will be the year of weird and (hopefully) hilarous (as opposed to suicidally tragic) encounters with the world of dating again.

Your turn-what will you do to make your life more fabulous in 2014? Comment below.

Queens of Fabulous

Hi reader,
After a lovely, leisurely vacation morning of catching up on the Today Show, I would like to give some serious respect to Hoda and Kathy Lee. This delightful duo certainly qualify for a queens of fabulous nomination--here's why:
1. Hoda and Kathy Lee make me laugh.  And not just any old type of laughing, but the kind I like best--"they-are-so-outrageous-in-making-totally-valid-commentary-about-life"type of laughing.
2. Hoda and Kathy Lee know how to make fun of themselves.  This is a VERY important component of being fabulous. It is NOT fabulous to be a total b*tch on wheels anytime someone brings up one of your shortcoming.  It IS fabulous to understand your shortcomings well enough that you can bring them up yourself!  The light sprinkling of self-depreciation in the 10 AM-11 AM hour makes them extra funny and relatable.
3.  Hoda and Kathy Lee always look pulled together.  And hot. Nough said.
4.  Hoda and Kathy Lee are honest with each other and everyone else that comes onto the show.  The ability to be honest (especially in a way that is sharp and funny) is totally, endlessly fabulous.
5.  Hoda and Kathy Lee make their own fun.  No matter how silly the subject, these ladies have a blast.  They relate well to each other and have a totally powerful chemistry that makes you want to be involved in whatever they are doing.

Let's raise a (10 AM) glass to these queens of total fabulous!  We love you, Hoda and Kathy Lee!!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Beach Time

Hi reader,
While it may be the wrong time to mention this, I am currently on a beach vacation. 5 things that are fabulous:
1. Walking in the sand
2. Fishing off the shore
3. Tennis clinics at the club (with the totally adorable new assistant pro)
4. Rum punch by the pool
5. The quiet at night 

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Choice of Fabulous

Hi reader,
Here's the thing:
Fabulous is a choice.
It is a lifestyle and an outlook on the world that spreads through the years like butter Nutella Smart Balance on warm bread.  Fabulous is a superpower.  It infuses negative situations with sunshine and happiness.
Read the two passages below and tell me which one is fabulous:

1.  I just turned 30.  I'm single (recently went through a heart-breaking devastation of a break-up and now don't know if I will ever get married, procreate, etc, thanks for asking).  I live in New York City.  I'm a teacher at a high needs public high school. It's difficult and exhausting.  I worry endlessly about my students and whether they have enough to eat and a safe place to go home to.

2.  I just turned 30 and so far it has been wonderful, based mostly on the fact that for my birthday I dumped 185 200 pounds of dead weight--my cheating ex boyfriend ; )
I live in New York City, the best city in the world!  I'm all over the museums, music scene and broadway shows like a Kardashian chasing around a free botox bus.  I'm a teacher so I get to take fabulous vacations and travel all over the world in my time off. Life is good and I'm thankful.

So....both statements are true, but only one smacks of fabulous. I am writing this blog to keep the fabulous-smacking a little closer to the surface. Do it with me, reader! Rephase your day so it sounds FABULOUS and write a comment about it below.


Hi reader,
Just for your general information, there are not many words I can think of that actually rhyme with fabulous.  Randomness?  Abacus?  Whatever.  The point is, "Stay Fabulous", "Live Fabulous" (also "Fabulous Live") and the myriad of other inspiring Fabulous-type titles were taken.  Such is life.  Welcome to Rhymes with Fabulous!
For visiting my nascent little blogging adventure, you get rewarded with this cheeky palm tree pic!  Have a fabulous day