Hi reader,
I'm sitting in the airport waiting for a much-delayed flight back to freezing cold NYC. Eventually, (after a bagel sandwich and half a Starbucks) I got bored of watching the poorly-attended-to children wreaking havoc on the terminal and my mind wondered to the topic of New Years Resolutions. I think it speaks volumes that I can never remember mine from one year to the next. It must be because I do such a fabulous job of achieving them that they become seamlessly integrated into my life by the time Dec 31 rolls around again. Right? Obviously.
So in the spirit of making my life continually more fabulous, I'm throwing together a resolution for 2014 and writing it down here before these airport children go totally Lord of the Flies and kill us all...if I make it back to New York in one piece, I'm going to date. I need to do it soon, because 30, single and bitter/sarcastic is turning out not so fabulous. Even if dating is not totally fabulous, it just may out-do hanging out at home on Friday night with my pet lizard, researching the history of the bassoon on Wikipedia.
You are my witness, reader...2014 will be the year of weird and (hopefully) hilarous (as opposed to suicidally tragic) encounters with the world of dating again.
Your turn-what will you do to make your life more fabulous in 2014? Comment below.